You Still Need To Check Your Email To Confirm Your Subscription
Before I can send you cool stuff you must confirm that your email address is real.
This is to prevent spammers and bots.
You will get a confirmation email from me any second now asking you to simply click a link to confirm your subscription.
Click that as soon as you get it and you’ll be good to go.
Check your inbox and look for the subject:
“Please Confirm Your Subscription”
Open it, then click on the activation link.
GMAIL USERS: Check Your Promotions Tab!
Sometimes my email will end up in your “PROMOTIONS” tab.
To move it into your normal inbox, click and drag it from the Promotions Tab to the Primary Tab. By doing so, all future emails will end up in your inbox.
You should check your email now, so that you don’t forget to confirm your email address.
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